Stuff that’s Saving My Life

Sometimes walking in the rain makes you look kind of wet and miserable
Sometimes walking in the rain makes you look kind of wet and miserable

Modern Mrs. Darcy often posts about what’s saving her life right now. A concept that makes you stop and be grateful, and realize what’s going right, instead of focusing on what’s going wrong.

So here are some things that are going right for me right now, or at least keeping me afloat through gray winter days, patches of spiritual dryness and loneliness, and uncertainty about the future.

1. Fitbit- I didn’t start out the year with any resolutions, though I would definitely like my jeans to stop being so tight. But I love the feeling of my new Fitbit exploding with vibrations when I reach my steps goal. It makes me really happy and really want to keep walking.

2. Dog to walk- Roscoe is my 5th foster dog with Middle Tennessee Golden Retriever Rescue. Dog walking is an incredibly peaceful experience for me. I enjoy it a lot, even in the cold. I’ve learned a lot about God through doing it too.

3. Moving Monday night to Thursday night- I work with some amazing low income kids one night a week. I can’t believe how much pressure it took off me just to change the night that I do it!

4. Having cleaning time with my roommate- yep, a scheduled weekly time to try to get things in a little better shape around the house…together. It’s working pretty well for us so far!

5. A deadline- I’ve been dreaming a lot lately about writing again, but I recently discovered a deadline that I really want to keep and it’s really helped inspire the creative juices to start flowing.

6. Having a standing time to get together with friends- this is new for me in a couple of situations and it’s becoming something I really look forward to each week. When I start to feel lonely these days, all I have to do is point and say, hey! look! You have a friend date for lunch next Thursday!

7. Drinking water- My whole team at work is doing a water challenge, trying to drink 73 ounces per day. We meet each other in the restroom a lot, but it’s been fun working together on something together. And on Sunday I noticed at bedtime how parched I was and realized that since I was out of routine, I’d stopped drinking earlier in the day. What a great feeling to know my body is starting to like and use all this water I’m pouring into it!

8. Literature- Modern Mrs. Darcy has inspired me to start reading real literature again, instead of reading comfy favorites over again, or watching more on Netflix. So I have been, and it’s awesome, much tougher, stronger food for the soul. Currently I’m reading and loving and would recommend I Capture the Castle. 

What’s saving your life right now? You can link up with Modern Mrs. Darcy over at her site and see what other likeminded folks are doing to save their minds on bleak winter days.

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